Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Minecraft monda-- err.. Tuesday!

Wow, time sure flies when you're having fun.. And that is the reason behind the delayed Minecraft monday update, well.. to be quite honest.. There is another reason for the delayed article, but, I think I'll let you know what it is till the end of this post, so, shall we?

So, this week I've been TNT hungry, that doesn't mean I like to eat TNT or something, but! I've made a "batcave" with help from Shach. Thanks to Shach and his awesome dirt-filling-skills, we made this cave more like home.. with trees and a lake.

Spot the creepers, you'll be-- SSSSSsssSSs

After some dirt filling, sure was fun!
This is what it looked like after a whole lot of filling,
pun anyone?! whole.. ahaha!
Shach showing off his castle building/bridge building skills.
This is the grand bridge at another angle! That sure is an
awesome bridge, wouldn't you say?


There's actually a quite funny story with this creeper wall,
since Shach managed to die from it.

Ancient blacksmith! Now with 30% more magma!

I think those anvils turned out pretty good.

Anyways, I thought I'd tell you about that funny story behind the creeper wall, if you want to make a secret "room" behind magma, simply just put a minecart behind it, right click the minecart and you can cross magma unharmed! But Shach, as brave as he is, he simply didn't right click and walked straight through the magma, then he died and lost a lot of precious diamond tools. I, on the other hand, was laughing so hard, ahh.. what a good friend I am.

Anyways! The reason for this delayed article is because it's hunting season, nooo, not that kind. But Monster Hunting season.. You think I've finally lost it, eh? Not at all! Because I've managed to finally get a copy of Monster Hunter Portable 3rd! As a huge fan of the series, I just couldn't let this one slide either. Even though the game is in japanese, I've managed just fine!

And since I am generous, I thought I'd share this wonderful video of Mhp3rd!


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