Monday, June 27, 2011

Gaming for life?

I've had a quite busy weekend, since I bought the Nintendo 3DS, last friday.
And with it, one of the greatest games.

Most of my time this weekend went to playing through Ocarina of Time 3d, and I semi-rushed through the game since I wanted to play Master Quest. In order to play Master Quest, you have to beat the normal quest first. And yesterday, I finally began with MQ. It is one of the hardest yet satisfying Zelda-modifications ever. I even managed to die at the first temple 4-5 times.. and this was at the entrance area.

Anyway, it is awesome so far -in fact- I am liking it better than the normal quest. Not only is everything Mirrored, but the dungeon layout has been altered aswell. And it's really focusing on the puzzle element which we all love.. and hate.. damned water temple.

As you can see in the picture, jabu-jabu is completely altered.

And here's Lake Hylia.
Ohh, and if you have a Nintendo 3DS. And want a great adventure, I really have to recommend this game for you. It's one of the greatest 3D experiences I've had. I played the whole game with 3d turned on, except when I was at the shooting gallery, since I like to aim with the gyroscope.
And 3d doesn't work great with the gyroscope, since you have to tilt your 3ds around and then you lose the 3d effect.

Hey! Listen!

Have a great day!

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