Monday, June 27, 2011

Minecraft for Monday!

As I mentioned at a previous post that monday is minecraft day, so.. I'll post screenshots of our lovely adventure!

First off, I'd like to say that we have been playing since wednesday last week, and then I took a break from friday till sunday. And now you've probablt thinking: "Ohh wow! You must've gotten a lot of great screenshots!" Well.. Truth be told, I didn't take that much screenshots. *runs and hides in a cave*

But enough talk! Screenshot time!

Here is our little village! It is called Cloud Village.
And someone has poured water in the lighthouse..
Damn those whippersnappers!

And as soon as I made cake, there were 3 hobos all
over the cake. And as you can see, one is jumping
with joy.. ONTOP of the cake!

Here's something random, we actually found this
skeleton like this. And I swear, seeing this 00:23 am
must've been the funniest thing I've ever seen.

Here's the not-so-secret Smuggler's Den.

And that's really it for this time, maybe we'll have greater adventures in the future!

Until then, watch out for creepers!

1 comment:

  1. ROBLOX is driven by an ever growing player base of over 300,000 creator players who provide an infinite variety of highly immersive experiences.

    These experiences range from 3D games and contests, to interactive adventures where friends can take on new personas exploring what it feels to be a dinosaur, a miner working a mine or an astronaut on a space exploration.
