Monday, June 20, 2011

The Legend of Zelda 25th anniversary!

Since it's the 25th anniversary, I'd like to talk about my favorite Zelda game, can you guess what it is?

Well.. back in the day everyone liked Ocarina of Time and gave it a perfect 10, and by all means, I would give the game the same score. Because it is one of the greatest games I've ever played. But, there is another Zelda game that was -in my opinion- the better game.

Which is called:

The legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Why is this game so great?
Well, because it's darker than Ocarina of Time, has a lot side quests, and all the masks have their uses. Even the Stone mask (which I thought was completely useless, turned out to serve me well.) And every "main" Mask has a story.

The story is kind of deep as well. The main antagonist is Skull Kid, who has stolen a powerful mask from the traveling mask-salesman-guy. And Link has to do whatever he can to prevent the world from destruction.. again! But this time, you only have 3 days -yes, that's right.. 72 hours- to save the world.

Many people get turned off by the fact that this game has "time", but without it, you could've never done the side quests. And besides, this might be a minor spoiler, and if you don't want to read about it, then please don't read this: the song of time reverts time, so that you can start over at day 1, and the only thing you lose is rupees, if you haven't stored them in the bank.  END OF MINOR SPOILER!

The thing is, this game brought me to tears(manly tears, mind you), gave me a sense of dread when the world is about to end.. aand that's about it, this game doesn't try to make you laugh since there are problems in every part of Termina. And if you don't like that, you might want to take a break from saving the world with a few Mini-games. Yes! this game has them.. and if that's not enough, you can go drown your sorrows at the local Milk bar. Anyways, I don't think I ever laughed at the in-game content, since it's almost only serious stuff going on.. not that it's a bad thing or anything. It's a serious game, and manages to be a helluva good one.

There are 4 Temples in this game, and now you've probably thinking.. "aww, that's not a lot!". The thing is, you have to EARN your way into every new temple, first you have to do stuff and then some other stuff, and then stuff again. *looking at you, you dreaded water temple!* Ohh, and yeah.. there is a water temple in this game as well. Enjoy it! I know I did...

At the end of the day, you really have to experience this game. After playing Ocarina of Time, and then completing this game, it gave me that Complete feeling. Like: "ahh.. now THAT was epic."

Ohh, and since it is the 25th anniversary, I plan on getting the Nintendo 3DS version of Ocarina of Time soon. And after I have completed it, well.. you've guessed it! I'm going to play this gem of a game.

And if you have a Wii by any chance, you can get Majora's Mask off the Virtual Console for 1000 wii points, which is about €10. And you need a classic controller or a Gamecube controller to play it.

Anyways! Have a nice evening, and don't go outside the house..

Because, the moon might look like this:

If so, then you'd suddenly have a quest to save the world in 72 hours.
And If you happen to be that person..

Good luck!


  1. Too long, did not read. Actually i did. Both of those games are A-grade. I did play Ocarina of Time more than Majora's Mask. But i still like Majora's Mask more.

  2. Too long? I figured this would be just the amount that one average person would want to read.
    Good to hear Quad, I also enjoyed Majora's Mask more than OoT even though -as you stated- both are A-grade games.
