Monday, July 11, 2011

Gaining experience!

Sorry peeps, but I'm going to take a small break from writing stuff. And there won't be a minecraft update this week, since I haven't really had the time for it, and I haven't taken any screenshots what so ever. But the reason I need to take a break is because I need to gain some experience. I mean, my writing skills are so-so, and I feel like I need to improve it a bit. I also have to start practicing my drawing skills, as I have no artist to draw the weekly webcomic project I had planned. I've got most stories written down already, but it'll be one helluva project to do alone. But, nonetheless, this will be interesting. I really can't wait to deliver people some weekly webcomics and video reviews and such. Podcasts are also planned, but again, kinda hard when no one has time for it, and I'm not really that much of a talker by myself. But that doesn't mean the blog will be quiet, it still has Cornugon and Mr.Never-write-anything-Quad.

So, please be patient, I'll practice and study hard. Because I just need to lvl up.. And the next time I write something here, it might contain a webcomic, video review or a podcast!

See you in awhile and have a great summer!

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