Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I'm back! From outer space!

Hello everyone! It's been awhile, hasn't it? ..sure has!
Anyways, I've got some great news and some relatively bad news!

Let's start off with the great news.
-I've got some concept arts ready for the webcomic. But this is to a "side story", a character I have yet to figure out a name for. But nonetheless, I've been practicing my drawing skills.
-Minecraft is getting a huge update soon! AND I CAN'T WAIT!!1one
-Ohh, and we've been playing Minecraft a lot lately(mostly me and Shach), and I thought I'd take some screenshot of our latest adventures and what we've built as soon as the server is up.
-Yesterday, I ate waffles!

And now for the relatively bad news.
-I can't start working with the webcomics since I don't have photoshop, but I'm going to ask if one of my friends has one I can "borrow" for the time being.
-I still can't post video reviews since I'm a bit short on cash at the moment, but I am saving money for a device called "Roxio Game Capture". A neat little device that let's me record video footage of Xbox 360 and Ps3, it is a MUST for me.
-My Xbox 360 wireless adapter just broke(at least of what I've deciphered), so I can't play online and download stuff.. *sniffle*
-The blueberry jam I put on the waffles yesterday, had gone out of date. Please do not ask what happend after that.

So, at least I'll be writing about stuff again. But I really wish I could've provided you peeps with more than just a text update. Sadly, that's all I can really do for the time being.

But! About in a week or two, I'll be getting Xenoblade Chronicles. Yes, I know it will be a bit late, but Norway only got 40 copies of the game IN TOTAL! So I have ordered it from amazon.. And hopefully by then, I'll also have the device I mentioned.

And that's it for this brief "update"!


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