Tuesday, July 5, 2011

This weeks topic: Reviews.

I'd like to talk about something every gamer is familiar with, and that's game reviews.
Why does one read/watch game reviews? Is it because the gamer is uncertain whether to get the game or not?

Imagine this, you've anticipated a certain game for 3 years or so, and when a review comes up, the game gets a "bad" score. You would then suddenly change your meaning about that game, and say it's crap because of a game review. Sadly, that's how most gamers think nowadays.

I used to be like that, but then, after awhile. I decided to use my hard earned money on a "bad" game. Surprisingly, I ended up liking that game. I often read game reviews, not because I am uncertain to get a game. But because I want to get my own perspective of the game, like if some reviewer said a game would be so linear that the game becomes unplayable. I'll note it down. But then again, I still want to try it and see if the reviewer is right. Every game is linear in it's own way, for example. Dungeon Siege 3 is linear, but it has dead ends and secret walls that you can break to find awesome loot, the boss battles are fun and the combat is well done. And that kind of gives you an illusion that the game isn't that linear. At least for me, and I think that's a good thing. Another example is Diablo 2, it is about as linear as it gets. But is it a bad game? Not at all, because it has awesome boss fights, cool loot, and three difficulty settings. And not the mention that it has "randomly generated field maps", but it's still linear. That's the kind of things that give a game this illusion I mentioned. Even the GTA series -dare I say it- is linear, but it gives you the "freedom to do whatever you want". You still have to do mission after mission to unlock better stuff and the other "parts" of the city. As I stated, every game is linear in it's own way. Most people don't see that.

So is linearity really that bad? I've played linear games since Commodore 64(one of my favorite game was The Last Ninja). So linearity isn't really that big of a deal to me. But for most gamers? I guess they would think it's bad.

Now to another thing that is a huge deal in the gaming world. Graphics.. If it isn't top notch(pun, anyone?), then it isn't a good game. Sadly, that's also how most gamers think. There can be some really "ugly" games out there, but there are other qualities that make up for it. That's what we call inner beauty, people. A great example for this could be Minecraft. It has a lot of charm, you can build whatever you want, explore till the ends of the world. You get my point, it's blocky. But rarely have I seen people complain about the graphics, why is that? I have no idea.. I would say gamers are about as complex as women. (no sexism joke intended)

Now, the reason I don't give scores in my reviews, is because the scoring system is waaay broken. Let's say if a game gets 6/10, then that would be scored as a "bad" game in most cases. But in truth, that's above average, and it really isn't bad at all!

So, all I have to say is..
Wake up gamers! Don't judge a game because a reviewer has judged it. Try it yourself, even if you have to use your hard earned money on it. Since there are some really great above-average-games out there. But then again, if you disagree, then you've just wasted your time to read this. And that makes me feel kinda good.

Have a great evening.

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