Monday, September 5, 2011

Blocky monday!

That's right! It's time for another dosage of Minecraft goodness! The adventures of Jehrino and Shach.
Why? Because none of our other friends like Minecraft that much now-a-days.. And these screenshots will convince them to get back to Minecraft! ..because we kinda miss you guys <insert a really sad face here>.

Before I go into the screenshot part, I'd like to talk about the next patch.
It is called the "Adventure Update", even though it doesn't contain the Adventure mode, it will reward players with exploration and combat, meaning you'll get exp out of slaying chickens! ..or other creatures. New animations for eating(yes, this is very important). Because eating every now and then will be crucial for the player, since you'll now get a hunger-meter. Which means that if you have full hunger-meter, you'll regenerate hearts faster. Also combat gets a new twist with hold-to-charge bows, meaning you'll have to draw your bow now. Anyways, I could go on and on about what comes out in the next patch, but.. I thought I'd make it easier for you to check out:

And here's what you all have been waiting for!

Airship Port.. err, well sort of.

Inside the balloon, why? Because it's Minecraft!
Shach's hole.. <insert dirty joke here>

Shach's shack.

Jehrino's pumpkin farm, with a gruesome secret!

Oh my.. A new village has appeared!


Welcome to Sword Haven! A village full of stuff.

It may not look like anything special, but believe me, it's
really fun to pull the lever!

You may think that, ohh.. that's just a gate. It's not JUST
a gate, I spent 4 hours just to make it work.

Below the gate. This IS the gate, without it, there would
be no gate! Yes, 4 hours... But well worth it!

Rest of Sword Haven -that is, indeed a big sword-

There will be various quests available in Sword Haven!

What do you mean it's just a burning sheep?

I dare you..

Now with books and a fancy golden bell!

Mayor of Sword Haven giving me the look...

Our next project! Haunted mansion on a flying island, with

Yeah, well.. that's about it, it's been a strange and lonely journey so far. But fun, nonetheless! Shach has been a loyal friend all this time, so... 

Cheers to me, for being so awesome!

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