Monday, September 19, 2011

Busy busy.

That's right! I'm quite busy nowadays, I am still writing about the story of this "side-story-webcomic" thingie. Even though I have a feeling that this will be the main story in this site, and since we've already made awesome stuff on Minecraft, I thought I'd borrow village names, places, etc. from "OurSecretServer" as I like to call it. Sort of like a "backstory" to the server, which I think will turn out awesome. But that's just me, I'll probably need some help with the writing etc. But I'm not too worried, since I'm going to my hometown this friday, so I think I'll persuade one of my friends to help me out.

Thought I'd make it a bit of a mystery,
as you can see, I am not yet revealing
anything just yet. Don't mind the
doodles here and there.. wait, the
whole concept is like a doodle.
Yet again, I have no update for this monday. But that's because me and Shach haven't done too much lately, so yet again, sorry peeps! But, despite my bad drawing skills, I guess I have to tease you with some really rough concept art. Even though he is nameless at the moment, I'm pretty sure if you would've played at OurSecretServer, you would probably guess who this guy is.

So yeah, I hope it turns out good. Even though my drawing skills aren't that good at the moment, but practice makes perfect, right? Anyways! can't wait to start on this project. I have a really good feeling about it! ..well, that just me.

Have a great day everyone!


  1. Well then, lets start doing stuff again. And when you get back "home" we'll have minecraft lan! Make more epic stuff. :-D

  2. ROBLOX is driven by an ever growing player base of more than 300,000 creator players who generate an infinite variety of highly immersive experiences.

    These experiences range from 3D multi-player games and contests, to interactive adventures where friends can take on new personas discovering what it feels to be a dinosaur, a miner working a mine or an astronaut on a space exploration.
