Monday, October 3, 2011

You know what time it is? It's BLOCK-time!

Wow, I'm getting better and better posting nonsense headlines.. But now, back to the topic!

We all know that Monday is our official minecraft day, and that's what we're going to talk about in this brief post. Me and Shach seriously need some help now, since we have found a huge open area, where we can build whatever we want. The first thing that came to mind was a kingdom, with castles and whatnot.. But! We have no idea what we should start with.. 

Anyways, these 2-3 last weeks we've been making a Harbour-town, yet another mansion, a tower and a... upside-down-house.. which I really didn't want to take a screenshot of!


Let's start off with the mansion, I'd say it's about 35% bigger
than the last one.

Front view. This is one of the few big buildings I'm
actually satisfied with.

Inside the mansion, Shach is always ready for some

Mr.Shach, the bartender.. This guy has about every job
in the world.

Shach's tower. Now.. I usually make jokes about Shach's
buildings. But I clearly don't need to, this time.. *wink*

A bit of the open landscape where we can build whatever.

It's not too far away from Shach's tower either.

This town doesn't have a name yet, so I'm just gonna call it
Harbour Town (yes, that's really creative).

Another view of Harbour Town, isn't it awesome?

Street view, the first building from the right is Guard tower,
Jehrino's hut, and Shach's shack.. and what do you know,
he want's to be a part of the picture!

Shach's shack, perfect for holding parties every saturday.

Jehrino's hut, small and practical. Perfect for those hard
sunday morning scenarios.

The awesome guard tower! Spot the creep..

Jehrino's fishing boat, now.. making the sails to this one
was hard as hell. But then again, I had never made
sails before that anyways.

Look at those awesome sails! I even built that before the
small boat-sails. I am proud of myself.. *sniffle*

Now he is a fisherman.. what a guy..

Main attraction of Harbour Town, the most awesome
Tavern ever made!

Wait, where's the bar..?

Tah-dah! Erm.. I seriously think he is following me

Downstairs we have the storage room, looks cozy.

Even more down, you'll end up here!..No, this isn't hell.

The tavern.. I should say that this is one of the BEST
minecraft screenshots I've ever taken.

And that's it, what a great way to start off the week. There are alot of areas that I didn't want to take screenshots from, mainly because those areas aren't quite complete yet. But, looking back to old pics, I'd say we've improved quite a bit, 45% more awesome than before! Soon we'll be hanging out with the pro-builders!..

Nonetheless, have a great day everyone!

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