Tuesday, March 27, 2012

It's not the destination that matters, it's the Journey.

Games don't need words to tell a story.
Let me tell you something about a game called Journey. It's a short game that manages to deliver one heck of an impact on you! The visuals are fantastic, the atmosphere and the music it delivers is just perfect.

As mentioned, the visuals of this game are fantastic, it manages to give you an illusion of a vast world while it being kind of linear. You'll always have your "eyes on the price" or rather, you know where to go next. Linearity isn't a bad thing in Journey, since you always want to know what happens next. You'll mostly travel a vast desert by the start of the game, and that's really all I want to tell you. Since the later stages are easily as impressive. Music plays a huge role in this game, and manages to fit into the landscapes perfectly.

Platforming. Nothing too hard.
The gameplay is easy, yet really fun. I would call this game a platforming game since there are a lot of segments that include just that. Anyways, you are a masked traveler and you have this magical scarf, you may find "upgrades" hidden here and there to make this scarf longer, hence giving you the ability to jump further. But the scarf depletes when you use it(depending on how long your scarf is). But that really isn't a problem since you can always find these.. wierd looking scarf-creatures that refill your scarf jumping ability. Still with me? Good.. You'll also play this game alone most of the time, but you can meet other travelers(real life players) and help each other out or just completely ignore one another.

This game has a deeper meaning than what it really seems to be at first, I would say this is a journey through life. You'll have fun, you'll meet hardships along the way, you'll push yourself even if the odds are against you, all to see and end to this journey. And what an ending this game has.. I seriously sat there, with manly-tears cheering on that little masked traveler all the time. Yes, this game will make you satisfied, even though it's a short game.
You can meet others in this
lonely journey. But it's optional.

If I were a therapist, I'd force people to play this game. Since it manages to tell one heck of a journey with so little words. I guess what I'm saying is.. go get this game if you own a ps3! Please, just do yourself a favor and get it. It is such a beautiful game, and it's so rare to find a game like this in the marked nowadays. And that's all there is to it. Seriously, I could sit here and write how good this game is. But then you'd be wasting time reading it. And since I'm a good guy(or the fact that I'm lazy), I made this review somewhat.. brief.


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