Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Beauty and the beast, gaming edition.

Some like them beardy!
No, not talking about the disney classic. But rather, character creation. Most games nowadays have this feature so that we can make our fantasy-self or fictionary girlfriend(hey! some of us are alone..).

So, what would you rather play as, an ugly hero/heroine or a beautiful hero/heroine?
For most of us, they go for beauty(yes, including myself). But I guess that's the easy part(at least for me), the carefree-beautiful hero/heroine. But, games like Oblivion and Skyrim for instance let you fantasize about a backstory to your character. Simply a "do and don't list", for instance you have arachnophobia, or even play as a merchant. There are some really interesting gameplay videos about just that, being a merchant in skyrim.

Yes, I made this chick out of
that abomination above..
But this isn't about being a merchant, it's about character creation. Yes, most games have in-depth character creation "tools" and most of us like to experiment it, while other games have pre-made ones and that's fine too. But I'm one of the people who like to experiment with character creators. Simply because you can make an abomination or some really pretty characters.

However, there are three games I sit in the character creator for 2-3 hours before I'm happy with the results, Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Oblivion. Some have stated that it's impossible to make a decent looking female face in those games. But with enough patience you can make some decent looking characters. It's really tedious but worth it, sometimes it feels like I've completed the game when I'm finally done.
My Oblivion chick.
Which is decent!

Also, I'm back!(for now..)


HUGE BLANK SPACE END, because I can!

Also, I think I have a thing for redheaded girls.

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