Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The reason!

No, not that cheesy song.. But, the reason I'm not doing a review of Dark Souls is.. well, too much to explain, really. I did it with Demon's Souls awhile ago, it was a major failure, so.. this must be some kind of a From Software curse. The thing is, this is the only type of game I have no idea how to review. Don't get me wrong or anything, I don't think the game is crappy by any means. In fact, if I were to give it a score.. I'd give it 10/10, because of the simple -yet brilliant- combat, it's difficult and it has a LOT of replay value.

Tip how to beat this boss; put on the most awesome
battle theme you know of. Then you'll beat it!
There aren't enough games out there like Dark Souls, most games nowadays hold your hand around every corner and give you checkpoints after checkpoints, and that makes the player spoiled. Dark Souls on the other hand.. is like a strict martial arts trainer that pushes you down a cliff and hopes that you have the ability to take action. It will train you, and whenever there's an obstacle in your way.. you will learn how to defeat it with trial and error. I still remember the first time I beat Megaman(1), I was overjoyed and relieved when the credits started to roll, why? Because I had struggled every stage by trial and error.. Ohh, and I was 6-7 years old when this happend. I still get chills to this day, when I hear the credits theme of Megaman.

Now, the only game I can compare the Dark/Demon's Souls series to is Castlevania 64, though Castlevania 64 didn't have RPG elements. It was a love-it-or-hate-it-game, and I friggin loved it back in the day, because it was one of the most challenging games I had ever tried back then. Now, if you were one of those players who thought that the game was easy, well, kudos to you! But I never saw the end of that game.. All because of a friend.. he managed to use all of the healing items and save before the so-called-last-boss, which I later found out, wasn't the last boss at all.. There were at least two more bosses until you beat the game.. Yes, my friend.. the truth had to come out to the world eventually. <insert evil laughter>

This guy was scary as hell back in the day..
Games should be challenging, at least.. that's what I want in games. Games nowadays are too player-friendly, which to some degree becomes stupid. We're not retarded, we don't need a popup saying how to do things every 5 seconds! Remember when games used to kick you in the balls, and you were ok with it? Now it's like they're tickling your balls, and that just becomes really awkward. Sure, one tutorial level is fine.. But not when they think you'll constantly forget how the game works. Also a thing I'd like to talk about, there is a fine line between unfair and strict. Farcry 2 is unfair, because if you fire a SILENCED weapon, yes, silenced. And miss a guy on the other side of the map, then they'll suddenly spot you and send a raid after you. Now, this wouldn't be a problem if you could just simply hide again, but nooo, when you fire that bullet they suddenly get superhuman tracking abilities. Dark Souls on the other hand, is just strict, NOT unfair. It is your own fault if you run into a pack of undead and they manage to eviscerate you. And even if you think a boss fight is "unfair" in this game, eventually, you'll learn it's pattern. In games like these, you have to be patient..

The reason why everyone wanted to
wear a blue spandex back in the day.
At the end of the day, I think to myself.. why do I play games? Is it because of I want a challenge? I mean, if I wanted a challange I'd simply go to war and try to defeat a tank with a slingshot. But that's suicidal, so instead of real life, games like Dark Souls give me that kind of challenge. Even if I were to die a thousand times, eventually I'd have the knowledge on how to defeat a tank with a slingshot. So, what happend to the entertaiment part? Well, be surprised folks! Since it manages to deliver that aswell, you'll get the feeling of progression after you beat a hard boss. Which is an awesome feeling.. and after awhile, you feel like this master and nothing can beat you! And then at the next corner you get killed by a dragons breath.. Which made me laugh.. and cry at the same time.

And that's about it, folks. Even if this didn't make any sense whatsoever, I felt like I had to post something in this barren blog for once. Since I'm the only one that does that.. *glares at the rest of the gang* Ohh, and I'm not comparing Farcry 2 and Dark Souls, I am simply stating what is unfair and strict.

Have a great day!

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