Monday, November 14, 2011


Due to the fact that there hasn't been any posts lately is because I've been waiting for the Roxio game capture device. And when I finally got it, I figured I also had to order component cables.. That's what I get for not doing extra research. So, the main reason for the lacking articles lately is because: I didn't want to post text-based reviews this time around, but rather video reviews.

I was going to do a video review of Skyrim, but it's rather late, now that everyone already has it. But nonetheless, I guess I'll just make a review out of it.. Since it'll be my first video review in a looong time. And feedback/critic is always something I can learn of, no matter how harsh it may be. I guess the video review will be up at wednesday.. since I figured editing will be time consuming, especially if you're alone. I still haven't gotten the component cables.. but I know I'll get them tomorrow, hopefully... probably.

So, I am really sorry for the lacking posts in the site. However, there are some good news! I managed to bribe Shach to do a review of Minecraft when it is released, you know, the "full" release. I'll notify in the comments section if I get the component cables tomorrow.


  1. I must be really unlucky.. Didn't get the cables today either.. -.-

  2. Finally got the cables! I've managed to get some nice footage. Going to continue tomorrow ^^

  3. so.. what happened with the review? :P
